03 August 2017

Missed it by THAT much! (King Kirby 012)

Looking back through Jack Kirby's days telling monster stories before Marvel shifted gears, you'll start seeing some very familiar looking names. (Sometimes very familiar looking concepts, but - another day)

I mean, sure, Groot's famous for having roots in the monster comics:

I guess it really shouldn't be any surprise to see this name used again... 

...but, they were having a bit of trouble working out the spelling for another:

This guy was so close, but just a commoner:

Of course, if Van Doom is close, how about-
Sarring Doctor Droom?
Yep - he's our hero. A rather unconventional hero... almost like victor might have been on different path? Let's look at just the beginning and end of his first story:

It seems the got the arrogant attitude right, at the very least.
And, with this guy, they got a lot more than the name right. You can almost see him thinking, "I need a helmet."

I'm sure there were more, and please do fill in the gaps in my ignorance.
Meanwhile, Jack will help us all and cure our ignorance of how to stop Groot if he were to go rampaging here:

Note that all of these occurred within just a year or two of the Marvel reinvention with the launching of the Fantastic Four. No point to that, just note it.

Kirby covers & pages from Amazing Adventures #s 1,2,3&4, Strange Tales #s 79 & 84, Tales ToAstonish #s 13, 16, & 17 (1960-1961)

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