Showing posts with label Mary Fleener. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Fleener. Show all posts

03 February 2020

Brief Oddities

We've got an extra post with a smattering of oddities, as mentioned above, and no real theme beyond having accumulated in the blog files. And, y'know... being Odd.

Here's a beautiful and mysterious first page from Omandu -

You may perhaps wonder where the figure absent from the white space in the middle has gone?

He escaped to the cover -

I admire an artist who is wholly committed to the work over the modern obsession for Branding. In fact, the only way to know that this is the cover for The Little Book Of Inner Space #1 is from the indicia box, hand written at the bottom of the first page -

Sadly, this seems almost completely forgotten today. The Grand Comics Database has almost no info, only the front cover.
Every time i put together a list of titles to update in their database, i lose it.
Somebody remind me after a bit and see if i've entered the particulars on this comic.

Elsewhere in Time and California...

What's this crowd waiting for...?

...the chance to party with Mary Fleener
Why me not there?

For a purely odd sidestep in time and space, yet somehow reminiscent of now, here's a one-pager from Look Magazine's second issue, just over 80 years ago...

And buried way down here is the single page comic that started this post going. A simple piece in every way, that works so nicely from the team of Ross Andru and Mike Esposito...

Omandu say bye-bye -

pages from The Little Book Of Inner Space #1, Life Of The Party, Look v.1#2, and Get Lost #3 (1937, 1954, 1972, 1996)

21 January 2018

Mary, Mary - Where Ya Comin' From?

Brain went walkies. Hopefully back soon.
Meanwhile, less words, more pictures.

Mary Fleener has a word for those comics that draw heavily on the lives of the creators -  Biographix.
I like it. And it reflects her roots in the underground comix world.

NOTE: The last page of Mary's Career Opportunities contains nudity.
Rather than leave the readers hanging at the end, 
the entire story has been moved to our back room for adult content.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive
of the original post to view the artwork

20 January 2018

A Fleener Nooner

Enjoy a midday break of Mary Fleener's wonderful works -

NOTE: Mary's Madame X From Planet Sex strip
and has been moved to our back room for adult content.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive
of the original post to view the artwork

Y'know, i'd love to take a bunch of Mary's full page cubismo pieces to an adult colouring group and see what came out.

Next time, get a little closer to the woman behind the work.

all art by Mary Fleener from Life Of The Party, Slutburger, and ...? (1990, 1996)

More Fun With Fleener

One of the many fascinating things about Mary Fleener's artwork relates to her wordless, or sparsely worded, 'cubismo' styled strips. With so much going on in them, and so much able to be read into them, some can be chopped up into pieces and mixed into a new dish...

...or doings with a magical wishing fish -

It's a weirdly beautiful world Mary lives in.

Of course, that does no justice to 20 pages of story, but it can be so easy to lose oneself in the visuals that story will construct itself. (Or is it just my head that works that way?)

art by Mary Fleener from Fleener #s 1 & 2 (1996)

Fleener Coverings

Before we dive deeper into Mary Fleener's comics, let's take a gander (a goose, even, if that's your preference) at a mutant handful more of her covers -

If you're only going to have one Mary Fleener comic publication, ^this^ is the one you want. Over 150 pages of her comics collected from various publications over the previous two decades. It's a terrific party for your eyes and brain.

covers by Mary Fleener for the books of which they're covers (Duh)

Ah, Love...

Yesterday was fun & games, not (overt) puzzles, so no Saturday Solutions are required.
Instead, we'll carry on with the Fleener Fun all day today.

Let's start with Mary Fleener's first comic work - a 1984 mini-comic created in collaboration with John Eberly-

In its way, a better "Love Story" than Romeo & Juliet.
After all - it lasted more than two days,they weren't infatuated teenagers, they didn't kill anyone, and they lived happy together.

True Love is usually deeply disturbing, eh?

They Were In Love from John Eberly and Mary Fleener (1984)