Showing posts with label Jim Tyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Tyer. Show all posts

23 July 2020

Getting Trippy With Tippy

While our fake president breaks down into full mad-dog desperation mode in his efforts to drag the USA back to pre-Revolutionary legal standards (ref. Boston Massacre and why people decided 'unitary' tyrants had to go, and why our constitution made it illegal for tyrants to use Federal Troops for Civilian law enforcement (until more recent tyrant wanna-bes effectively added "unless ordered to" to the Posse Comitatus act)), i feel like we could use a break.

So, just a quickie little bit of out-there oddness for today from Coo Coo Comics #16 with artwork from Jim Tyer -

Don't forget where you parked your brain. Lord knows, i'll be wandering for hours looking for mine...

page art by Jim Tyer from Coo Coo Comics #16 (1945)