Showing posts with label Fleener. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fleener. Show all posts

20 January 2018

A Fleener Nooner

Enjoy a midday break of Mary Fleener's wonderful works -

NOTE: Mary's Madame X From Planet Sex strip
and has been moved to our back room for adult content.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive
of the original post to view the artwork

Y'know, i'd love to take a bunch of Mary's full page cubismo pieces to an adult colouring group and see what came out.

Next time, get a little closer to the woman behind the work.

all art by Mary Fleener from Life Of The Party, Slutburger, and ...? (1990, 1996)

More Fun With Fleener

One of the many fascinating things about Mary Fleener's artwork relates to her wordless, or sparsely worded, 'cubismo' styled strips. With so much going on in them, and so much able to be read into them, some can be chopped up into pieces and mixed into a new dish...

...or doings with a magical wishing fish -

It's a weirdly beautiful world Mary lives in.

Of course, that does no justice to 20 pages of story, but it can be so easy to lose oneself in the visuals that story will construct itself. (Or is it just my head that works that way?)

art by Mary Fleener from Fleener #s 1 & 2 (1996)

19 January 2018

Fleener Fun & Games

My head may yet be scattered outside my skull, but at least this time i know that a week has passed, and it's once again time for

We're going to stick with the only thing that's managed to catch my focus for any length of time this week - more Mary Fleener, featuring her Destiny Tattoo Game-

To many players, the rules may seem obvious and easily inferred. To others, the board may seem quite obtuse. Fortunately, we have some pages that may help -

Oops! Wrong Game.
Hang on a moment...

Ah! Here we go -

...and a good time is had by all!

pages by Mary Fleener from Fleener #1 and Weirdo #21 (1996 & 1987)

15 January 2018

Blue Mary Finale

Welcome back to our Blue Monday celebration of Mary Fleener's work - step right in!

Before we take a look at some of her covers, let's take a quick peek at a few comics.
This one seems right at home with Fleener's visual style-

NOTE: The following 2 pages, and much of Mary's artwork below,
 contains nudity and has been moved to our back room for adult content.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive
of the original post to view the artwork

How's your Lawrence?

The Swiss publication, Das Magazin, has a feature entitled Werke der Weltliteratur (Works Of World Literature) in which they ask artists to translate a classic novel into a single comic page. As might be expected with such an endeavor, it helps tremendously if you're familiar with the original material.

Here's a couple more from Mary:

Yes, she does use words! (In case you were starting to wonder)
Of course, she may incorporate said words into the art...

Mary's works are as uniquely personal expressions as her artwork might suggest. The source material is often her own life and surroundings, and the events shaping her world. So, it might help a bit to know a little about her, eh?
Let's let her tell it:

I can relate. Creating my artwork is my best therapy. (I sure hope we get that system fully functional soon so i can resume therapy)

You were promised Covers with you Comics, so let's view some now.
Here are 10 covers from Mary Fleener -

Mary is the kind of Twisted Sister i quite enjoy. We'll look more at some of her longer comics on another day - we've already got a pretty full post with three cubed pics.
So let's wrap with a just few more bits & pieces of Fleener flair -

I'm so feeling the Coppertone.
I may have to use that last piece as a colouring book page and have fun with it.

While i'm doing that, you can learn more about, and see more from, Mary Fleener at her website. Perhaps more importantly, you buy some of her original paintings, too.

all artwork by Mary Fleener for various, mostly shown above (1987-1997)