Showing posts with label The Brain & Mssr. Mallah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Brain & Mssr. Mallah. Show all posts

28 June 2019

What The Hell's Going On Out There?

It's been said that Love knows no boundaries...

Ah... The Brain and Mssr. Mallah. Such a pair - an enhanced French Gorilla and a jar of grey matter. The classic story of the scientist who creates his own love. Mad Science indeed.

But - who is The Brain? How did he grow up to be this twisted fellow (term used loosely)?

What could he have been like as a child?

Let's find out...


It all seems quite the natural development now, doesn't it?

Who knows how long it may be before i try to resume any of the regular features around here. Meanwhile, here's some Friday Fun & Games tucked into this post:

Yeah. They got some bad kids over across the water. You should compare the Menace level of our Dennises...  Dennii...  What's the plural of Dennis?

page art from Doom Patrol v2#34 and The Brain #1 (or #18, take your pick) (1956, 1990)