Showing posts with label Captain Atom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain Atom. Show all posts

11 April 2020

Tass Times In Sunuria

Back in 1975 one of the more unusual fanzines emerged. 

Charlton Bullseye, rather obviously devoted to Charlton Comics, lasted for only 5 issues in its original incarnation. But those few issues were packed with talent. Editors included Bob Layton and Roger Stern, and the first issue credits alone included "John Byrne, Nick Cuti, Steve Ditko, Jeff Jones, Dave Kaler, Sanho Kim, Frank Maynerd, Allen Milgrom, Jim Starlin, Joe Staton, Roger Stern, Howard Siegel, Tom Sutton, Barb Weaver, Phil "Lester" Wesner, and the Big Cheese-George R. Wildman."

For a quick peek inside today, let's just look at the story that goes with that first issue cover. It's a two-parter, continued in the second issue, but E-Man got the second cover. I can't complain about that - i dig E-Man and Joe Staton. 

This tale picks up after an 8 year gap, with words by Roger Stern (using the name Jon G. Michels for part one) and art by Steve Ditko and John Byrne!

When i look at the clean black & white on some strips and covers like these, i think of having some fun colouring.
That might not make a bad post, eh? 
A collection of things to print and colour for some fun while trapped inside by Trump Flu in the air.


page art by Steve Ditko and John Byrne from Charlton Bullseye #s 1 & 2 (1975)