Showing posts with label The Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Brain. Show all posts

28 June 2019

What The Hell's Going On Out There?

It's been said that Love knows no boundaries...

Ah... The Brain and Mssr. Mallah. Such a pair - an enhanced French Gorilla and a jar of grey matter. The classic story of the scientist who creates his own love. Mad Science indeed.

But - who is The Brain? How did he grow up to be this twisted fellow (term used loosely)?

What could he have been like as a child?

Let's find out...


It all seems quite the natural development now, doesn't it?

Who knows how long it may be before i try to resume any of the regular features around here. Meanwhile, here's some Friday Fun & Games tucked into this post:

Yeah. They got some bad kids over across the water. You should compare the Menace level of our Dennises...  Dennii...  What's the plural of Dennis?

page art from Doom Patrol v2#34 and The Brain #1 (or #18, take your pick) (1956, 1990)