Showing posts with label Comic Cavalcade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comic Cavalcade. Show all posts

15 May 2020

Before They Were Fractured

As we watch what happens when Fake President meets Real Crisis and wonder how much better things might play out if we had an adult in charge, let us contemplate these Words To Live By -

"They're not as important as saving the world from COVID-19 and POTUS-45 but I can actually do something constructive about them." -M.E.
(M.E. is ALWAYS Mark Evanier)

Focus on your world close at hand and you can make good use of our current Down Time, and maybe even avoid driving yourself a fraction as crazy as our fake president.

(BTW - for those who are confused as to what Obamagate is since fake president cannot explain it when asked - it's daring to be tolerably competent and make plainly obvious what a complete and useless fuck-up our current 'leader' has proven to be.)

So, let's turn away from the ongoing effort to ignore and wish away the trump flu while hiding the death toll his incompetence has caused*, and instead lose ourselves in some more friendly twisted fantasies. 

Today's offerings come to us from the man who brought us "Comics" McCormick and the Minute Movies - Mr. Ed Wheelan. Here are a half dozen of his Foney Fairy Tales for you to enjoy -

I hope that helped.

page art by Ed Wheelan from Comic Calvacade #s 15 & 20, Green Lantern #34, Sensation Comics #62, and Wonder Woman #s 19 & 21 (1946, 1947, 1948)

*(It is VERY worth remembering that Fake President is currently pushing for punishing those who mishandled the Trump Flu crisis (see China by his words) and prosecuting former Presidents for perceived crimes.
After all this is over, those are two things we should very strongly consider, according to his own words. Make America Great Again - Prosecute Rich Criminals)

15 July 2018

Sunday Morning Funny Animals

I seem to be stuck in the '40s, so let's just roll with it. For our Sunday Morning Funnies this week, Funny Animals of the Fourties seems like a workable theme, eh?

Let's start out with another visit by Walrus Whopper -

DC's Comic Cavalcade featured a host of funny animals back in the '40s, including Dodo & Frog, Nutsy Squirrel, Blabber Mouse, the Raccoon Kids, Tortoise & Hare, and Goofy Goose. But the big duo, who stuck around for decades, was Fox & Crow -

Pelican Pete was an odd bird, no doubt. Beyond his Felix style "bag o tricks" pelican beak, he also lived... 'between worlds' seems the best description. Take a look at this tale, featuring art by Otto Feuer -

pages from Animal Antics #5, Comic Cavalcade #30, and Leading Comics #29 (1947, 1948)