20 July 2020

Getting Artistic With Dick Briefer

Like many artists back in Golden Age days, Dick Briefer worked under names other than his own. In 1939, for the Biff Bannon strip he decided (the Editor decided? I wonder sometimes on those things) to use the name Remington Brant. After just a few appearances, they decided that might be too subtle and switched to Rem Brandt.

Unfortunately, i spent half an hour trying to get Blogger to upload the images and used up my typing time. My ride should be here momentarily for a foraging run - fresh produce is much needed. So, just a couple quick notes before i must rush off.

The first tale isn't here. I'd need to do some serious reconstruction work, including re-drawing a few missing panel bits. Instead, i'll wait to see if Hamir can provide a cleaner copy of Speed Comics #1. For now, at least.

While reading through, note how Briefer is working to find his style for the strip, and evolving towards what we'll later see on Frankenstein. Also note how some of the work evokes styles we'd see 30 years later.

Dig in and have a look-see -

That was the end of Dick Briefer's run on Biff Bannon. Art Helfant picked it up 3 issues later and continued with the character for another 6 years.

Okay - it's off down the hill to find some broccoli and spinach and whatever else looks good.

page art by Dick Briefer from Speed Comics #s 2-7 and 9-11 (1939, 1940)


  1. I get a decided Flaming Carrot vibe off this wacky strip. I'd never noticed that connection with Briefer before.

    1. Yeah, i can see that. And Bob Burden was quite possibly a Dick Briefer fan - after all, Rex Dexter ran in Mystery Men Comics.

      Hmmm... How has Flaming Carrot and the rest of the Odd 'Burdenverse' never appeared here? That doens't seem quite right.
      I suspect we'll have to correct that soon.


    2. Oh! And, yeah - Briefer caught me by surprise on that, too.
      I went hunting to see who this RemBrandt was fairly recently.

      What a pleasant reveal.
