09 January 2019

Scarlet Before Red

A year before Simon & Kirby unleashed the Red Skull upon the world, there was already a crimson cadaver headed villain on the scene - the Scarlet Skull!

Did Joe and Jack ever see him? Is Batman a transvestite?
Who knows?

But let's take a quick peek at these three (1-page) episodes of Seaweed Sam - The Rhyming Rover...

Hmm...  using Doctor  Doom  Danger's gravity nullification beam to send our heroes flying into orbit. That seems familiar somehow...

We'll come back to Victor Pazmiño's odd little series which ran for about 75 issues of Famous Funnies after i finish beating the week into submission.

page art by Victor Pazmiño for Famous Funnies #s 73-75 (1940-1941)


  1. thanks a million for posting. I wanted a good friend and talented artist to see this particular page from the strip.

    1. You're quite welcome - I'm glad you found it. That's just the sort of reason i did this blog.
