Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts

21 October 2019

PROOF! Video Games STOP Violence!

Well, what a surprise.

Regular readers may know that the Universe seems to hate the idea of me doing artwork. But, i've been setting up the desktop system and updating software to start doing some render work to create photos from which to paint.

Of course, that means that this weekend the machine suddenly started shutting down randomly for no discernible reason. Not overworking or overheating - shutting down while idling.


While I fight with that, here's a short Un-Comic featuring The Hulk. Dan Koeppel and Al Milgrom offer a counter argument to the parents decrying video games and violence -

Remember when the Mayor of New York was entertaining? That's a bigger indicator of how much time has passed than rolling out the big CRT monitor on a cart.
page art by Al Milgrom for ...? (1983)
(source tomorrow)

13 August 2019

Generic Post #1

Standard introductory sentence for Generic Comic Book - Type: Super-Hero Action-Adventure. Published in 1984 by Generic Publisher #2, Generic Comic Book #1 was written and drawn by uncredited generic creators. 

(Note that this was back when generic products first started showing up in supermarkets with similar plain white labels)

Typical semi-obscure revelation as to the writer - Steve Skeates confessed just over a decade ago.

Generic Comic Book (GCB) starred a man. Our hero is an average joe working in a boring office job who one day has a strange encounter with radiation, as had so many before him...

Our hero tries to go about his normal daily life...

...and soon...

That night, he heads out on his first patrol...

His new powers allow him to easily deal with the thugs on the street, but then - his first supervillain shows up...

Left bruised and battered by the encounter, he tries to shake it off and lose himself in his daily routine...

...later, on his way home for the day..

...and that night, he returns to action and finds the thugs he'd beaten previously now serving the villain who took him down...

And so the generic origin of our generic hero comes to a generic end.

page art by generic artists for Generic Comic Book #1 (1984)

29 July 2019

Mutants Walk Among Us

We sure ran a lot of posts in a row on the same guy, so let's take a minor break from Don Rosa - but we'll stay with the RBCC.

Kurt Busiek is highly regarded for a number of reasons, not least of which is investing new life into old stories. When he and Alex Ross created the Marvels mini-series back in 1994, he cemented his legacy as a highly knowledgeable historian of their world.

Some of us already knew that. A decade and a half earlier, he worked with Scott McLeod to bring us The Mutant Handbook -

Little did we suspect how it pointed towards the future.

Bonus! Here's a couple extra pin-up pages of Scott by Scott -

page art by Scott McLeod from Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #s 148 & 152 (1979, 1982)

18 July 2019

Covers Of The RBCC

A few days ago i made mention that we should run another batch of covers from the Rocket's Blast Comic Collector at some time soon to follow. But, once again, my wicked brain was playing with my perceptions...  we've never run a batch of RBCC covers, merely had a few included in previous posts on the topic.

Well, seems like a good time while i'm sorting through other bits. I thinned out the batch i'd pulled by eliminating duplications of artists. Some did quite a few for the zine; we could do a post of nothing but Don Newton covers (and we just might, but not today).

Presented here we've got 21 covers - just about 15% representation with a mix of established and soon-to-be professionals, semi-pros, and talented fans. They're stacked in chronological order, and we'll label each with the artist's name.

John Fantucchio-

 Robert Kline-

John Adkins Richardson-



Richard Corben-

Gil Kane-

R.C. Harvey-

Don Rosa-

Berni Wrightson-

Bob Susor-

Tom Sutton-

Mike Zeck-

Frank Brunner-

Steve Fabian-

Ralph Fowler

Kerry Gammill-

Wendy Pini-

Marc Hempel-

Lonny Fawcett-

Ron Wilber-

As we've seen and will continue to explore, there were many treasures tucked away behind the covers of the RBCC, like well wrapped presents.

cover art by indicated artists from RBCC #s 55-152 (1967-1982)