03 September 2020

More Frank Talk On Drawing

Draw-Along With Frank Borth Part Two, or Parts Three & Four, depending on how you're counting, continuing from yesterday morning's post...

I realize that not everybody is interested in such things, nor likely to appreciate Frank's approach here. So while we continue this for the next few days, i'll try to do an unrelated post in the afternoons. (In theory at 3:33pm, Pacific Hermit Time)

Well - not exactly unrelated. All comics are 'related' - comics and movies are 'related' - and so on. I'll likely get even closer than that - i'm thinking we'll probably stick around in Treasure Chest Of Fun & Fact since we're here already.
Maybe we'll finally check back in with The Bear, eh?

page art by Frank Borth from Treasure Chest Of Fun & Fact v18 #s 13 & 14 (1963)


  1. Frankly, this looks excellent. Must steal all those pages from you. (Clickety-click.)

  2. Isn't it, though?
    Frankly, he's got the best practical approach i've seen. There are 10 lessons total, so be sure to get the next three days' worth, too.

    And apparently there are some Frank Borth fans out there these days. Yesterday's post starting this series is already #2 for the past 30 days. Quite pleasing to see that he's still well remembered.
