03 February 2020

2020 Calendars - Week 06

By popular request (Gordie's a popular kind of guy) we lead off this week with another from Edward Runci, the image that served for the template when putting together this year's calendars...

For this week's Cover Calendar, we've got another Enoch Bolles cover from the Film Fun -

It seems like we're leaning heavy on Enoch so far this year. I'll  try to remember to go a different way next week. But, as long as we're here, we've got the original painting for this cover, too -

This week's Blue Monday Calendar brings us a lovely winter image from Ren Wicks -

Of course, you'll have to step on through to our back room for the full version of this post with the adult content to see it. Here is a direct link to the un-cut post.

As always, the calendars are sized to print 8"x10" at 150dpi, with 1" square spaces for notations.

art by labeled artists, of course (20thC)


  1. Me, popular? I must be losing my touch. Well, I'm popular with me, but not too many people are of the same mind. (Whadda they know!)

  2. It's all relative. (NO, i'm not saying you're popular with the relatives)

    Remember you received that designation from a Hermit.
