18 August 2019

Well, Of All The Wacky Races!

It's Sunday?
When did that happen?
(Beyond the obvious "today")

Seems i skipped ahead again. So let's turn to our favorite Funnies maker for some Sunday Morning Funnies to help us get caught up. Of course, i mean Ellis Chambers. Here's a trio of his comic craziness, starting with one that turns things on their head (once again)...

It's purely my own speculation, but i suspect that strips done in this looser style may have been the result of some of those infamous late night heroin binges...

(As we can see (or hear) from that second panel, cartoons influenced more than Ellis's visual style(s))

Let's wrap with another EC superhero strip. We've seen multiple Cosmo Cat stories, and Super Dog from Ellis. Here's his 'cousin', Superfox -

That one was a popular story, published 3 times between 1947 & 1958 in Daffy Tunes and two editions of Holiday Comics. (We went with Daffy Tunes for the original colouring)

page art by Ellis Holly Chambers for Daffy Tunes #12 and Prize Comics #50 (1945, 1947)

16 August 2019

Into The Mysterious Labyrinths Of The Home Of The Devil!

As mentioned last time, Don Rico returned for just a few more episodes of Flip Falcon In The Fourth Dimension. And he brought Lucifer back with him...

While that ended Rico's run (as far as confirmed credits go), Flip had another 5 or 6 adventures, depending on how you count. (Yes, that again. We'll get there. Hells - maybe we'll even finally get to my favorite Caveman comic someday.)

page art by Don Rico from Fantastic Comics #s 14-16 (1941)

15 August 2019

Things Ought To Start Popping Any Minute Now!

Let's continue with our look at Flip Falcon In The Fourth Dimension. While the writer is yet unknown, the previous stories we saw were all drawn by Don Rico. The other artists on the strip are mysteries like the author. But, let's see what they looked like without Don, eh?

This first one seems a bit of a precursor to silver age Batman and Atom tales...

It is fairly amazing how many heroes had scientist friends with time travel quests for them. That one, from back in 1940, seems to be one of the earliest of those tales.

Of course, Flip travels not through just space & time, but the realms in between...

In the following issue Don Rico returned...

page art by unknown from Fantastic Comics #s 11-13 (1940)