10 May 2018

Flights Of Imagination

Sky Girl, as we've seen before, had dreams of flying and adventure. Sometimes, that was very literally the case, as with our two tales today -

Ginger Maguire was always prone to flights of fancy, so it seems only natural that they embraced that idea and run with it...

Of course, there's always the old standby - the conk on the noggin approach ...

pages by Matt Baker from Jumbo Comics #s 78 & 80 (1945)

09 May 2018

Weirdist Un-Comics

Still mopping up puddles of brainmelt around here, so let's divert from plans and take a look at some Un-Comics.  Obviously, The Voice Of ODD! is into the Oddities of the world.
You know another good word for Oddities?


In the late '40s and early 50's Weird Tales magazine regularly gave a page to Lee Brown Coye (sometimes aided & abetted by E. Crosby Michel) to explore history's odd tales & legends. It's all single page illustrations with text, but i'm counting them as essentially being splash page comics, and hence - Un-Comics.

pages from Weird Tales (1948-1950)

08 May 2018

WTH Did I Just See?

Sorry. No post today.

Accidentally melted brain...

covers from the books for which they are covers

07 May 2018

Prehistoric Blue Monday

Recently i've been teasing an upcoming focus on cavemen in comics. Let's get a jump on that for today's edition of

Today in our adult content back room we're looking at the artwork of Budd Root and his Cavewoman -
Head on back to view this post on The Other Voice Of ODD! 

artwork by Budd Root from Cavewoman-The Mature Version and Cavewoman Prehistoric Pinups #s 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7 (1998-2010)

Blue Monday Calendar 2018 Week 19

Looking For Trouble is this week's painting by Gil Elvgren, from 1953 -

painting by Gil Elvgren (1953)

06 May 2018

Canteen Kate - No-Fly Girl

Yesterday we were looking at Sky Girl, the latest in our parade of Fly Girls. Today, let's visit with a "cousin" of hers - Canteen Kate. Kate and Ginger are both redheads who cope with the kitchen at an airfield, and both are drawn by Matt Baker. (Yeah, i know her hair is brown on the first two covers, but she's a redhead inside)

Kate came 8 years after Sky Girl, in 1952, running for 3 issues in her own title. -

Like Ginger Maguire, Kate was set in a comedy series, and both shared similarities. But Kate wasn't a Fly Girl, as we can see in her first story...

Here's a couple more of Kate's adventures to give you a feel for the series -

art by Matt Baker for Canteen Kate #s 1-3 (1952)