Showing posts with label Wally Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wally Wood. Show all posts

29 October 2017

Sunday Funnies - Extended Version

Bet with that title you thought you'd be getting a big batch of funnies in this post, eh?

Nope. That's not what's happening. One is all ya get. We're extending our funnies over Time!

What is happening is All Hallow's Eve - Halloween - a personal favorite holiday. So to celebrate the imminent occasion, we'll be running a variety of themed funnies, comics and cartoons throughout the next few days.

Let's kick it off by visiting Mad (the comic, not the magazine) #3 with Wally Wood bringing us a classic tale of...

Y'know - back in 1953 the whole werewolf vs. vampire bit was probably a fairly fresh idea.

Join us later today to get in the Spirit of the Holiday!

V-Vampires! by Wally Wood for Mad #3 (1953)

18 September 2017

Is That a Rabbit Hole?

Welcome to another edition of

Today, the second half of Wally Wood's classic Malice In Wonderland. (If you're late to the party, the first half is readable here) EDIT: That link is to the picture free version. The actual pages are in our back room, located here.

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

For you younger readers, there's no way to convey to you just how very 70s this strip was.

Malice In Wonderland by Wally Wood for National Screw magazine (1977)

10 September 2017

Sunday Super Funnies Timewarp

Wasn't i here before? I don't think you were with me last time. Now we're late with the Sunday Funnies!
Who can we turn to for help?
How about - a Sunday Superman Selection!

That comes from Wally Wood way back in the days when Mad was a color comic book, before relaunching as a black & white magazine to escape Comic Code tyranny. The cover, by Harvey Kurtzman, from that issue (#4):

Now let's shift to more modern comics, via the web.

Our first is modern in origin, but actually older in design aesthetic. It comes from Kerry Callen, and you can find more of his Super Antics on his blog.

Superman/Batman fun from the Brazilian Dragonarte site:

That last one looks like the URL ends in .bk - it's actually .br (Brazil)

And to make sure i'm not inundated by Batfanatics, here's a counterpoint from Nebezial:

comics from Mad #4 (1953) and attributed websites (see links)

04 September 2017

Blue Monday - Bonus Wood

There was no Blue Monday last week, in honor of Jack Kirby's birthday. So here's an extra installment today in partial recompense. Continuing with out Wally Wood theme today, let's go back to the first two issues of National Screw Magazine. We saw previously that the first four issues debuted an exclusive new strip from Wood - Malice In Wonderland. While this has been reprinted quite a few times, it's usually in black and white. So here's the first half from their original run in National Screw:

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the first two chapters (4 pages each) of Wally Wood's Odd classic.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

As the caption said - Continued...

Malice In Wonderland by Wally Wood for National Screw #s 1 & 2 (1976)

Blue Tooth

Bad toothache erupted. Minimal post for

Today, Wally Wood mimics Al Capp to show us a secret bit of L'il Abner & Daisy's story...

NOTE: The images from this post contain nudity, and thus have been moved to our back room for adult content. The text remains that you may make a fair guess as to whether or not you wish to look at the pics.
Please follow this link to The Other Voice Of ODD! archive of the original post to view the artwork.

That bit of hidden history comes courtesy of Wally Wood's Gang Bang #1:

Okay - I'm going to go play with some string and a doorknob. I'll leave you with another quick bit of Wood:

Lil An' Abner by Wally Wood for Gang Bang #1 (1980), Man Of Steel, Woman Of Stone from Gang Bang #3 (1981)

27 August 2017

Sunday Afternoon WTFunnies? (King Kirby 092)

In an earlier edition of Sunday Morning Funnies during the King Kirby 100 we featured a story entitled Spider-Man Tickles The Torch!
Let's look at another related story-

One might ask just how this is related to the previous story, beyond both having Jack Kirby riding pencils.
We've seen how gifted Kirby was with his comic stylings when called upon, and yet there's absolutely no sign of it in either story. The same holds true for Wally Wood's tone in the inks. There's a very simple reason for that. In both cases, Jack wasn't drawing comedy.
In the tradition of Fractured Flickers, the folks at Crazy magazine took old stories and "re-dubbed" them with new dialogue tracks. Of course, "the folks at Crazy magazine" was Marvel Comics, so they had a vault of old tales to use.
Here's the original version of the story above, from Journey Into Mystery #51-

And here's the original version of Spider-Man Tickles The Torch! Kirby & Steve Ditko from Amazing Spider-Man #8:

I like to think that Jack actually got paid for the re-use of his work, and that - unlike some other times - approved of the changes.
But somehow i doubt it.

pages from Journey Into Mystery #51 (1955) and Crazy #s 66 & 82 (1980, 1982)

13 August 2017

Sunday Morning Funnies (King Kirby 048)

The worst thing* about no newspaper these days is no Sunday morning funnies! It's Sunday morning (here), so let's have some Jack Kirby related funnies! Wow! I really seem to be excited about that.
Way back in the first issue of FOOM, Marvel's members only fanzine, they ran a star studded parody of the Fantastic Four:

The following month, the quartet returned to play with another familiar Kirby character:

That was the last we saw from the Frantic Four on the parody front. But soon, another would step up. You may remember Charley Parker from The Origin Of King Kirby which we pulled from FOOM #11. In FOOM #4, this ominously appeared:

It wasn't until issue #8 that the Doctor made his true debut:

Dr. FOOM returned in #9...

...and in #10, we got not only Dr. FOOM And Captain Applepie, but the Eggsmen, too:

The following issue was the big Kirby Returns celebration with the Origin story we already looked at. After that, i never saw Charley Parker again that i recall. I wonder where he went? A mystery for another day...

Meanwhile, here's the grooviest parody of a Kirby character that i remember coming out of FOOM:

My favorite Kirby comedy comics, however, are of a decidedly different vein. And both come from the same person, Roger Langridge -

I wonder if he's done more?

To wrap up our Sunday Morning Funnies, let's go back to Marvel.  After Not Brand Echh went under, Marvel eventually realized that they were competing against black & white newstand magazines, so maybe they should try that instead - and so Crazy was born. (Crazy was the next synonym on the list after Mad and Cracked, you see) In #82 in '82, Jack Kirby parodied by Jack Kirby, with poor Mark Bilgrey begging the man not to take revenge upon him:

various comics by Roy Thomas, Len Brown, Gil Kane, Wally Wood, Charley Parker, Roger Langridge, Marc Bilgrey, and Jack Kirby with Steve Ditko(sweet!) from FOOM #s 1,2,4,8,9, & 10, Internet, and Crazy #82 (1973-5,????,1982)

*(Y'know - aside from that whole collapse of local news and absorption into conglomerate structures undermining basic functions needed for the survival of a healthy republic, leading to the diminishment and eventual destruction of a free society thing.)