Showing posts with label The Monkees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Monkees. Show all posts

21 April 2018

Oh, For Pete's Sake

Professor Peter Proudly Presents Proper & Pertinent Paydirt Pertaining
to Perplexing Puzzles Previously Posted.

You were warned yesterday that there was Monkee Madness afoot. I trust you weren't expected rather more sane solutions?

Now a bit of Bonus Fun!
A while back i teased a bit about the Monkees seemingly meeting up with Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. Let's finally get a full look at that little story, shall we?

puzzles & story pages from The Monkees Annual #s 1-3 and Meet The Monkees (UK)(1967-1969)

20 April 2018

FF&G - Monkee Mania

Look Out!

 Yep. It's time once again for our ritual whimp-out from Friday Night Fights. This time, The Monkees frolic freely for our Friday Fun & Games -

This is The Monkees, after all, and they're off monkeying about in the UK - so madness reigns with the quizzes this week. Fair warning...

Solutions tomorrow, such as they be...

quizzes from ... find out tomorrow (1960s)

10 April 2018

Spaced Monkees II: The Visitors

We've seen recently how naturally The Monkees are Spaced out (so to speak).
It should come as no surprise that they attract others from space as well...

Yeah, the Monkees were no strangers to science fiction. They even added a robot to the band at one point...

...not that it worked out quite as they intended...

(Spoiler: The contract isn't for the boys.)

pages by Jose Delbo from The Monkees #7 (Dell) and by ?? for The Monkees Annuals #s 1 & 2   (UK) (1967, 1968)

Monkee Beat

From the very beginning there have been comparisons and competition between the Fab Four and the Pre-Fab Four, in both the eyes of many fans and the media -

For many of us, though, it's like arguing Star Trek vs. Star Wars - while similarities and overlaps abound, they're separate things, comparing Science Fiction and Space Opera.
In truth, there's #1 spots for both.

When it comes to The Monkees and The Beatles, the boys themselves didn't seem to be bothered by the perceptions and expectations of others. Whether it's The Monkees checking out the latest release from The Beatles...

...boys from the bands hanging out together...

Micky & Paul hanging out at the time of the Sgt. Pepper sessions.

That's Paul's dear Martha, folks.

Cynthia Lennon, Phyllis Nesmith, Mike Nesmith, and Ringo Star. (Francoise Hardy in back)



Oh, hey! Let's not forget working together, even. Here are Mike Nesmith and John Lennon from the legendary A Day In The Life recording session - Monkee on Beatle action! (Sorry, Snell)

And remember that Peter Tork played guitar on George Harrison's solo album , Wonderwall...

George Harrison tries to convince Ringo Starr to let Mickey Dolenz use his drum kit while Peter Tork checks out his guitar. (It doesn't weep)
And when Monkees weren't hanging out with Beatles, the situation reversed. You can look in Monkees' Annual to see Ringo...

...and years later you can still find Ringo hanging out for Pizza...

Heck, by the time all was said and done, The Monkees were even signed with Beatles' manager Brian Epstein -

John Lennon considered The Monkees to be “the funniest comedy team since the Marx brothers,” and George Harrison contemplated  “When they get it all sorted out, they might turn out to be the best.”
The music is littered with references, no surprise. Whether Mickey commenting "I was going to buy a raccoon, but John's already got one" on Gonna Buy Me A Dog or referring to the "Four Kings Of EMI" on Randy Scouse Git, or Paul singing "Hey, Hey! We're The Monkees!" in his Back In The US concert film.

Of course, The Monkees tv show was inspired by the Beatles' film A Hard Day's Night. And it all comes full circle...

...and so it went...

(Sorry, Davy - I couldn't find my pics of your recording session)

A Hard Day's Knight from The Monkees Annual #3 (UK) (1969)