Showing posts with label George Roussos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Roussos. Show all posts

05 June 2018

More UFO Nattering

UFOs are, by nature, odd and mysterious things that are frequently confusing to the perceptions. So i guess it's rather natural that the comics seem to follow suit.

I mentioned last time that Gold Key's book, UFO Flying Saucers, continued for another 6 issues beyond the 7 issues that i originally had on hand. And that Whitman published another 5 issues. (Note that Gold Key and Whitman are both divisions of the same company - Western Publishing) While digging through the archives last night, i found another 12 issues from Gold Key - they changed the title to UFO & Outer Space with issue #14. The series continued through #25 in 1980.
And so the stack has grown...

Meanwhile, we've got more of the speculative pieces from those first seven. Eschewing dramatic presentation structures, let's open with perhaps the most interesting speculative possiblity -

ARE THE UFOS LIVING BEINGS? (art by George Roussos)

WHO FLIES THE SAUCERS??? (art by Frank Bolle)


Of course, it's always good to have a handy identification guide for spotting UFOs...

MODERN TYPES OF UFOS AND FLYING SAUCERS (script by Leo Dorfman, art by Rocco Mastroserio)

UFO'S THE SHAPE THEY'RE IN (art by Luiz Dominguez)

As mentioned previously, much of the book was dedicated to case studies of UFO encounters. We haven't looked at any of those as yet, so let's close out this post with a story that combines those with the speculative works which we've been viewing...


"It is possible that somewhere in the universe, someone is reading a horror story about a fellow creature who explored a distant planet and was attacked by four horrible little bipeds."
Yeah. I can see that. "Horrible little bipeds" being how human beings were known to galactic society seems believable.
(Hermit, remember?)

page art from UFO Flying Saucers #s 1, 4, 6, & 7 (1968, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1975)

24 April 2018

Un-StarWars Un-Comics - Part III: The Final Fury!

Continuing from this morning and this afternoon...

Pizzazz only lasted another seven issues, so the next tale never reached completion. At least, not within the pages of Pizzazz.

But, still - it's another 21 pages from a Star Wars that never existed. So i suspect it'll show up here even without an ending.

pages from Pizzazz #s 7-9 (1978)

Un-StarWars Un-Comics - Part II: A Matter Of Monsters!

Continued from this morning's post...

Concluded this evening...

pages from Pizzazz #s 4-6 (1978)

Un-StarWars Un-Comics - Part I: A New Strip

It's time for some more Un-Comics!
For those who've not encountered the term here previously, un-comics are what we call comics that come from places other than comics - from magazines, convention programs, books, etc.,.

Today, we're looking at un-comics from a Star Wars that never was. Way back in 1977 when there was only one movie with an uncertain future, Marvel's Pizzazz magazine picked up the adventure right where the movie left off.

Now, i'm going to admit a bit of heresy here...
 I never really got into the extended Star Wars universe. I watched the movies, but that was about it. (Not counting things like being suited as a wookie for early Star Wars performances and things like that. Still got the wookie sounds down pat.) So, i'm sure that these have probably been either reprinted in comicbook version, or reformatted into a single story at some point. But, perhaps not?
After all - the licensing rules have changed dramatically in the intervening years.

Either way, i'm going to re-present them here in the original form. After all - it's Roy Thomas, Howard Chaykin, Tony DeZuniga, Marie Severin, Archie Goodwin, George Roussos, Jim Novak...  quite a cast of creators laying out the new tales in 3 page chapters.

In keeping with tradition, we'll be presenting the first story arc in three parts, but we won't make you wait years between releases; we'll get it all done today.

We pick up shortly after the medals awarding ceremony at the end of the first movie...

Continued in today's midday post.

pages from Pizzazz #s 1-3 (1977)