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Voice Of ODD!
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Showing posts with label
Voice Of ODD!
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29 July 2020
It Yet Lives
Though absent, i'm fine. The system, on the other hand... Once again this machine was murdered by it's operating system. Linux ...
10 June 2020
Blogger Hates You
Blogger/Blogspot doesn't seem to be accepting uploaded images currently, making it rather impossible to post about artwork. I'll as...
18 April 2020
Repair Report
As noted a in the previous post, the Trump Flu Blues Prevention series seems to have had most of the images scrubbed for some mysterious r...
Curious Glitching
Well, isn't that ... interesting? I went to post the answers to this week's puzzle pages and found that most of the puzzles thems...
09 December 2019
Progress? Report
Well, i thought we had things in hand - yesterday things seemed all good with the main system. It ran fine all day while setting various dr...
06 December 2019
Maintainance Report
Meanwhile, lurking in a dark alley... While the main system and i are down in the dark, i'm in the right state of mind to be doing...
01 December 2019
Pacific Northwest Hermit Visual Reference
As you may have guessed, main system still down. Or down again, to be more accurate. It's gone through a couple fixes, and it seemed to ...
27 November 2019
And The Universe Laughed...
The mind and i have been reuniting lately. As you may have noticed, we posted 3 out of the last 4 days. And work has been going well on gett...
27 July 2019
On To The Answers!
Okay - those reading in the now have had a week to work out our second birthday crossword puzzle . (To our future visitors - Hello! Sorry, b...
20 July 2019
Intentionally Spouting Silly Nonsense
Well, it seems i've accidentally started a tradition. Today marks two years since this blog started babbling into the void. (A week o...
01 December 2018
My Apologies
I'm not ignoring the comments - they are much appreciated encouragements as the Universe works so hard to prevent me from continuing her...
20 July 2018
Music By 88 Fingers Louie (Him, Not Them)
We're not talking comics or movies or culture this time - it's all personal rambling. Fair warning that you may choose to step out ...
Friday Fun & Games - 20 July Commemorative Crossword
It's Friday! That means, of course, it's once again time for Friday Fun & Games - Today is a special Friday, with a spec...
28 June 2018
And How Was YOUR Day?
Because mine...? That sound, with the accompanying flash of light, erupted from the main computer system this morning. (Yesterday morni...
19 April 2018
Half Thousand
It's the 500th post for The Voice Of ODD! Let's celebrate the cheap & easy way - Covers! Here's 33* who got there first -...
05 March 2018
Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle DD
Just in case (not to be confused with Justin Case - Lawyer to the Super-Heroes) you notice something odd happening around the site in comin...
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