Let's get back to the
Blonde Phantom...
Blonde Phantom Comics ran for only 11 issues between 1946 and 1949. But she got around during that time. Not only did she have her own book, she had strips in
Sub-Mariner Comics,
Sun Girl,
Marvel Mystery Comics and
Blackstone The Magician, whose splash panels we see here -
These were typically short (four page) tales. For examples of the stories, here are her two appearances from Sun Girl #s 2 & 3 -
When she showed up in Marvel Mystery Comics, she was the big star up front on a cover the heroes later made famous as
The Invaders -
Captain America, the
Human Torch, and the
Sub-Mariner -
She showed up on two more covers.* Once damsel in distressing for the Human Torch...
...and once more to party with Torch, Subby and
Sun Girl...
Louise had seven adventures in MMC, the splash for one of which is featured at the top of this post. Here are the other six -
After 1949, it was off to comics limbo for her,
as we saw in
Sensational She-Hulk.
But - she did escape limbo once in the '70s, a dozen years before she managed to become a supporting character for
story art by Bill Black |
We can see how desperate she was to leave limbo if she showed up for just those two pages, eh?
Some may wonder at why we didn't see the Blonde Phantom in the sequence that closed out the Sensational She-Hulk comic, which we saw at the end of our
first post on Deadpool's Big Green Mama.
The thing is - we did! In perhaps the sneakiest way possible.
As you might recall
(or can follow that link above to go back and look),
Millie The Model was introduced as the hidden 'villain' in those pages.
so sneaky...
Story art by Ken Bald |
from Blackstone The Magician #s 2, 3, & 4, Submariner # 27, Sun
Girl #s 2 & 3, Marvel Mystery Comics #s 84-91, Bizarre Tales #1,
Millie The Model #2 (1946-1949, 1977)
I just noticed that she appeared on one more cover for Marvel Mystery Comics - #86. Sorry, it's not scanned & prepped. It's a split focus cover, with her hanging out with a couple of pirates on the bottom right. That means there were 8 stories, also.
That help?)