So - what's here? Obviously some artwork for the walls at the upper left, along with and assortment of simple wood frames down at the bottom. Most out there are rather ornate, taking up too much space at times. These are basic Dollar Tree frames. To the right of the paintings, middle sections for the standard 2-tile couch so they may be extended to 3, 4, or more tiles wide. Those two horizontal bars following are fence tops. Set them on top of wall tiles, tag them for overlay (star); be sure place them after placing the ground behind the fence. Nice when you don't want that massive wall top. The vertical bars just beneath are shadows for giving depth to building walls and such where the system doesn't place any. A blue dumpster. Bookcase alterations - the standard, moved up a half register for better placement against walls, and with some variety tiles to mix things up in libraries and such.
Below those, we've got a mix of custom signs and generic wall hangings. A camera on a tripod, some blank signs, vertical stairs down...
There's a ticket window down by the Help Wanted/Now Hiring signs. Ropes & barricades - white for boxing, red for Events.
Those are notices that can be overlaid beneath the corkboard. And down by the business signs, a basic newspaper dispenser for the free daily news. (It says FREE on the top)
And just above the red velvet ropes, you might note that one of the wooden signs is not blank. It sits outside the Sorority House in the game. (Kekko Kamen needs a University to patrol, y'know) The Sorority in question is taken from my old web comic, so let's go there to read the little sign on the tiles -
(Apologies to Mme Theuriau for putting words in her mouth) |

And there's that grid mentioned above. It's the same size as the tile image, just no need to display it larger here.
stuff by -3- from experiMental Theatre and This City (2019)
Thanks, I will use the camera and the pizza sign!
ReplyDeleteCool deal. Knowing they might get some use motivates me to put up more. This isn't exactly the kind of place folks come hunting for RMMV tiles.
DeleteIf you're doing a modern world, there are a couple other posts that might be of interest with more signs and such. The one from a week & a half ago has animated signs. Of course, they might be useless for you, but here's the links:
Now it's back to work on some Quick Quests for T3C...
DeleteThe second link repeated the first - seems the Copy command didn't grab the address and i didn't pay enough attention.
Here's the proper 2nd link: