14 July 2019

Aw - - It Was The Biggest One I Ever Had!

Tis the end of the weekend, and the end of the first tale of The Enchanted Flivver, from Capt. Frank Moss and Frank Borth. This time we've got three chapters to conclude our story...

Definitely a story from another time. 

There were two more tales - The Return Of The Enchanted Flivver and Where's Henrietta? If my peripatetic mind cooperates, we'll touch on that third one this week, and why i chose this story to run currently.

Meanwhile, i've been digging through those old piles and i suspect we'll spend much of this week visiting with old friends from previous posts.

But, i'm rambling and so - i'm off!
(but you knew that)

page art by Frank Borth for Treasure Chest Of Fun & Fact #s 294-296 (1960)


  1. I enjoyed the other two serials, so I came back and read the first one. That Frank Borth was a master of comic book art, he was.

    1. I concur. And i'll take it further.
      I think that Frank Borth would have been one of the acknowledged Greats of his time but for the fact that most comic fans never got to see his work.

      I'll try to herd the ol' peripatetic grey matter over that way again soon. He did a lot of other great work for Treasure Chest Of Fun & Fact.
