Showing posts with label
Trump Flu
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Showing posts with label
Trump Flu
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06 July 2020
oh, dren... it speaks!
Some day my spawn might wish to know more of how their ol' progenitor thought. That was a part of my thinking when i launched this blog...
18 April 2020
Curious Glitching
Well, isn't that ... interesting? I went to post the answers to this week's puzzle pages and found that most of the puzzles thems...
15 April 2020
Trump Flu Blues Prevention IV - Puzzles Pages
Okay, campers! We've got things to keep your brain busy today - a dozen puzzles for your amusements. Hmm... Are Connect-The-Dots pu...
14 April 2020
Trump Flu Blues Prevention III - Colouring Continued
Winter must be in full retreat. My body seems to have cycled around to waking at, or before, dawn. Last week i was barely to sleep by the t...
12 April 2020
Trump Flu Blues Prevention I - Colouring C'thul'hu
Yesterday we notioned collecting some art for colouring pages to help keep folks entertained while hunkered down to avoid Trump Flu. The ol...
25 March 2020
A Post Before Posting
Odds are that folks who read this blog like old comics. One of the groups mentioned here from time to time that helps to preserve and archi...
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