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The Third Colony
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Showing posts with label
The Third Colony
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14 September 2020
The Sound Of The Fringeworlds
Well, the main machine has been rendering all night, and it doesn't look ready to quit soon. That being where all the actual work for ...
09 September 2020
Hermit Ramblings
Some of you may likely have noticed what i didn't when i headed out on my monthly supply run: It was Labor Day. So i traveled down ...
21 August 2020
Instead Of A Real Post...
Sleep has been fragmented, at best, around here lately and i'm stumbling around like i'm driving a rented body. Made the mid-month...
19 August 2020
Secrets Of The T3C Universe
You may have noticed i'm still having troubles herding my wandering mind over towards the blog. I've been gathering yet more materi...
06 July 2020
oh, dren... it speaks!
Some day my spawn might wish to know more of how their ol' progenitor thought. That was a part of my thinking when i launched this blog...
30 June 2020
RMMV City Bling & T3C Ping
As noted, i've lately been buried deep in The Third Colony - my personal game project that i use to keep the ol' brain from rustin...
25 May 2020
Dia De La Cabeza Muerta
It's one of those days... Brain not talking to me just now. And doesn't want to prep pages. And Mel doesn't want to play....
18 May 2020
Sleeper's Dance I-III
Okay - i changed the background to that painting , but wound up repainting it all because i also changed things up a bit. I wet the paint...
07 May 2020
Meanwhile, Out On The Fringeworlds...
'Twas a fairly successful supply run today. Apparently the fear of vampires has passed and the stores were stocked with garlic once aga...
01 March 2020
Wait Half A Mel...
I'm Up! I know it's past noon, but i'm just waking - not crawling back into the cave. Obviously too late for Sunday Morning F...
29 February 2020
Living The Butterfly Effect With The Velvet Frog
A Kid wiggles his fingers in the UK and causes changes halfway around the world. Funny how those things work. And, no - we're not talk...
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