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25 June 2019
Skipping Rope In The Nude
It all started in the letters page. One of the downsides to knowing that you're a comic book character - you could get drafted to answ...
24 June 2019
...We've Seen The Odd Disturbance Or Two...
There are times when my mind and i are ... i guess 'frenemies' is probably the best term these days. I've made mention of how it...
22 June 2019
Who's That Mucking About Down Below?
As we noted yesterday, She-Hulk was well aware of her status as a comic book character (long before ol' Deadpool figured it out). As l...
21 June 2019
Deadpool's Big Green Mama
Deadpool has a formidable power set. But, arguably his greatest power is Awareness. He knows he's a character in a comicbook (or movie)...
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