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14 September 2020
The Sound Of The Fringeworlds
Well, the main machine has been rendering all night, and it doesn't look ready to quit soon. That being where all the actual work for ...
09 September 2020
Hermit Ramblings
Some of you may likely have noticed what i didn't when i headed out on my monthly supply run: It was Labor Day. So i traveled down ...
15 July 2020
Fighting To Die
Our incompetent administration has decided, as usual, to attack reality as the enemy when it's inconvenient to their delusions. No long...
06 July 2020
oh, dren... it speaks!
Some day my spawn might wish to know more of how their ol' progenitor thought. That was a part of my thinking when i launched this blog...
29 June 2020
Our Flibbertigibbet Brummagem Snollygoster Fake President
As we all watch the fiasco of what happens when Fake President meets Real Crisis , a lot of us are running out of things to call the Twitt...
1 comment:
25 May 2020
Dia De La Cabeza Muerta
It's one of those days... Brain not talking to me just now. And doesn't want to prep pages. And Mel doesn't want to play....
18 April 2020
Curious Glitching
Well, isn't that ... interesting? I went to post the answers to this week's puzzle pages and found that most of the puzzles thems...
23 March 2020
Trump Flu Blues
One thing about a Crisis - it gives the worst elements in power a chance to strut their stuff and get even worse. In our government, crisis...
20 March 2020
A Brief Aside
I've got to leave the cave and head out into the plagueworld to forage supplies. So just a quickie for now - I get my main propell...
12 March 2020
One For The Game Makers
Sit back; we gwyne get wordy today. Ye Be Warned - As you may know, i spend some of my time noodling with games, in recent times using ...
06 March 2020
Mel Alert
Looks like it's going to be one of those days... As you may know, Mel Tormé signals a lack of blogging today. If things change, ...
27 February 2020
Stealing Mel From ME
Mark Evanier has a problem with people stealing Mel Torme from him. I think i'm gonna do it, too. Probably no surprise that i...
13 February 2020
More Kelly, Sans Kelly
My best frenemy, my brain, hasn't much been speaking to me. Much zoning and flitting without alighting. Hence the lack of postings. But...
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