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28 October 2017
Dear Gods (All 6 Of 'Em), Let Him Say His Name!
I don't know if you heard yesterday's casting announcement for the "other" Captain Marvel - He Who Cannot Use That Name....
28 July 2017
We lost another of the Great Ones today: We Miss You Already
23 July 2017
She hasn't been promoted yet?
Just a quickie thought on another interesting bit out of San Diego this weekend. It was announced that the Captain Marvel movie would take...
Savagely Stupid or Hail Mary Play for Salvation?
One interestingly odd bit of information that came out of San Diego this weekend is that The Flash movie is going to be based on Flashpoint...
21 July 2017
Doom Is Nigh?
Well, That's interesting. I made reference on the IFC post to how Fox can make a good Fantastic Four movie. It was announced today ...
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