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21 February 2020
More Rudy Ray
I finally caught the first Eddie Murphy movie i've been excited about in a quite a while - Dolemite Is My Name . I've been a...
15 January 2019
Before Raiders - Dr. Jones & The Magic Coin
If you're an old geek, you might remember some movies that presaged later big hits. For example, when the first Terminator movie came ...
16 August 2018
Return From Fae?
As mentioned yesterday, we're ripping systems open and rebuilding today, so offline most of it. But for a quick post, i'm going do a...
26 June 2018
What You Watching Out There?
It likely won't come as any surprise that hermits don't get out to watch the latest movies very often. So, while i obviously likes m...
02 June 2018
Saturday Night Movie Double Double Feature
Tonight we've got a Double Feature, in two meanings of the phrase. There's the obvious Two Movies meaning with a pair of old RKO Rad...
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