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Kirby Cover
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Showing posts with label
Kirby Cover
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22 August 2017
Right On Target (King Kirby 081)
Over the years, Jack Kirby worked on a lot of westerns, as he did most every other genre. His best known work in the genre is probably h...
20 August 2017
Launching the X-51 (King Kirby 076)
One of Jack Kirby 's Odder creations (which is saying something given some of the competition) is X-51 aka Aaron Stack aka Mister ...
18 August 2017
not to be confused with The 100 (King Kirby 068)
It seems customary to note the 100th post in a new blog, but here we are two thirds through the King Kirby 100 . Confusion aside, how to ...
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