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King Kirby 100
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Showing posts with label
King Kirby 100
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06 September 2017
King Kirby 101
Got knocked down with dental infection and abscessed tooth for the holiday weekend, so wasn't able to prepare this planned final pos...
02 September 2017
Saturday Solutions (No Really)
I realize that there was no puzzle in yesterday's Friday Fun & Games , but extra time was given for last week's puzzle. So her...
31 August 2017
Mainlining Kirby (King Kirby 100)
In 1954, Jack Kirby and his long time partner, Joe Simon , were tired of making other people rich while getting screwed on their agreem...
One More TIME! (King Kirby 099)
Let's jump back just over half a century, to 1966 in the Merry Marvel Messenger (the newsletter of the M.M.M.S. * - that which came...
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