Showing posts with label
Fantastic Four
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Showing posts with label
Fantastic Four
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20 August 2017
The King And More (King Kirby 077)
I promised more of our Kirby In Comics feature today, and we've got some good ones to fill that promise. Going back to late 1968 an...
19 August 2017
How Bad Did It Suck? (King Kirby 072)
Almost 40 years ago Marvel found itself in a similar position to their current media ownership issues. When making a Fantastic Four cart...
18 August 2017
Friday Fun & Games 005 (King Kirby 069)
It's Friday, so it's once again time (in case the title hadn't clued you in already) for - This week, it's time to tes...
15 August 2017
Reality Comics (King Kirby 057)
I talked a bit last month about some of the reality hopping/bending adventures at DC comics where-in the creators of the comics in Eart...
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