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16 June 2018
Saturday Solutions - Marvel Xword Trip
I usually wind up creating new images for the answers to most puzzles of this nature, but i liked the original enough to just try to clean i...
05 September 2017
Revenge Of The Tooth
Still only marginally functional with half face swollen. So here's some quickies from the sort bin. Toothache feels like it was drawn...
13 August 2017
Sunday Morning Funnies (King Kirby 048)
The worst thing* about no newspaper these days is no Sunday morning funnies! It's Sunday morning (here) , so let's have some Jack...
05 August 2017
FOOM Tube (King Kirby 020)
Let's look back once again at FOOM #11 . It's 1975 and The King has returned to Marvel . For Marvel fans, there could be no bett...
01 August 2017
The Origin Of King Kirby v.F11 (King Kirby 003)
The year was 1975. Jack Kirby had just won the Academy of Comic Book Arts Hall of Fame Award and was returning to Marvel comics. Marvel...
26 July 2017
Marvelite Memories Maximus, Son
Back in the very first issue of FOOM (the official Marvel members-only fanzine) they initiated a new feature, though they had yet to name ...
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21 July 2017
Friday Fun & Games #001
I decided that some regular features will likely help build & maintain my dedication to posting on some sort of regular basis, and not...
20 July 2017
Greatest Covers You've Never Seen #001
A publication that covers comics and media ought to start with a cover, no? I say, "Yes!" I say. "Let's steal a feature...
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