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16 March 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 12
I don't know how things are where you're at, but outside the hermit cave we got a few inches of snow dumped on us for the weekend...
02 March 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 10
10 weeks without missing post time. (Okay - by only 2 minutes once, but still) Definitely doing better than last year. We've got a t...
24 February 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 09
You might think that after posting Saturday Morning Toons yesterday that i'd realize today was Sunday. Well, i realize it now - with ...
17 February 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 08
Wording still laborious, so tripling up on the imagery instead. Each of our three calendar types gets three calendar pages this week, all...
10 February 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 07
For this week's calendars, let's double up. I don't know - in honor of February and Two-Face or whatever silly excuse we need. ...
03 February 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 06
By popular request ( Gordie 's a popular kind of guy) we lead off this week with another from Edward Runci , the image that served for...
27 January 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 05
This week we've got a few names that'll be very familiar to some and rather obscure to others. To start off, Edward Runci suppl...
20 January 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 04
In our fine modern entertainment tradition, we're going back to Week 01 of this year's calendars to reboot/recycle/rerun our art...
13 January 2020
2020 Calendars - Week 03
This week we lead off with Mike Ludlow and a comic-appropriate painting for our Pin-up Calendar page - Enoch Bolles returns for ou...
06 January 2020
2020 Calendar - Week 02
We'll keep it simple this week - only one of each calendar style - just so we don't start patterns of overkill. For our Pin-Up Ca...
30 December 2019
2020 Calendars - Week 01
It's a new year with new calendars! As mentioned a few times over the past couple weeks, we'll be running weekly calendars here...
01 June 2018
June Calendars Is Here
This year's calendar selections for June, for your convenience. Of course, the Playboy calendar option is available in the mirror of th...
01 May 2018
May Calendars
As you may have noticed, a bit of a rough start this week. Things all keyed up around here, but we're slowly getting functional. New m...
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