Showing posts with label
Blue Monday
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Showing posts with label
Blue Monday
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18 June 2018
Skin Tight Promise
We've got a bit of light fun today for Written by Elaine Lee (of Starstruck fame, among other notables) for the 1995 Skin Tight...
04 June 2018
Covering The Sewer (No - Not Manhole Covers)
The previous post of Un-Comics came from Robin Bougie 's very odd mag - Cinema Sewer . In our adult content back room we've go...
Blue Monday Bonus - Un-Comics From The Sewer
Say you're a fan of 'trashy' movies. You love discovering what weird creations have sprung from the minds of those artists who...
Blue Monday - Dirty Shorts
I've been neglecting Blue Monday lately - a rather natural side effect of having no clue what day it is. Alas. Today in our adult c...
28 May 2018
A Case Of Don
Don Lomax was the feature of our first Un-Comic way back in our 13th post , but we haven't seen him since. Let's fix that with tod...
07 May 2018
Prehistoric Blue Monday
Recently i've been teasing an upcoming focus on cavemen in comics. Let's get a jump on that for today's edition of Today i...
16 April 2018
Vamping Without The Vamp
For today's Blue Monday post in our adult content back room , we've got a trio of tales from Vampirella magazine back in the ...
09 April 2018
G.A. Welz, B.C.
Currently in our back room, we've got short little 5 page Blue Monday extra while i'm getting back into gear. A decade before Che...
Blue & Gray
Today's post in our 'back room' for adult content takes a quick peek at a short tale by an artist famed for his work on Tarzan ,...
02 April 2018
Chastity En Blue
This week's Blue Monday feature is Ron Embleton 's comic, Sweet Chastity ... ...featuring artwork from Azpiri , Milo Manara , ...
26 March 2018
California Love Tree
Last week we saw a couple of covers from California Comics in our Non-Verbal Blue post . in our adult content back room. (Images shown in f...
19 March 2018
Non-Verbal Blue
Sorry for the disruption yesterday - we'll resume with Bunny tomorrow. Amazing how disruptive a lost chastity key can be. Meanwhile.....
12 March 2018
Blue Grass (sans music)
It seems like at least half of the stories drawn by Grass Green featured nudity and sex, making him a natural candidate for this week's...
05 March 2018
Blue Matinee
We're continuing our theme from the weekend in this edition of If you weren't here, we've been doing Doppelcomix - imitati...
26 February 2018
Beauty By Manara
When looking at erotic and naked art in comics, it was inevitable that we'd feature Milo Manara on multiple occasions. Nevertheless, le...
19 February 2018
Doc Wirtham's Greatest Hit
Hey! Remember Oisif Egaux ? NOTE: As intended by the creators, pretty much every image from this post has been moved to our back ro...
12 February 2018
BBBlue Monday
We're taking a look at a little seen side of a popular artist with the initials B. B., hence our stuttering subject line for today's...
05 February 2018
Frankly Blue
Finally back. #1 son and i spent much of the day with systems ripped apart trying to figure where the problem in the new system has been hid...
Blue Monday Cho Down
Hey! You know what today is, right? It's time for a Bl- NOTE: This lovely image by Frank Cho contains nudity and has been moved...
29 January 2018
Blue Gaming
My current character in Skyrim is Hela . Her name is not based on Thor: Ragnarok , it's one of 3 names that i've routinely used f...
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