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21 August 2020
Instead Of A Real Post...
Sleep has been fragmented, at best, around here lately and i'm stumbling around like i'm driving a rented body. Made the mid-month...
19 August 2020
Secrets Of The T3C Universe
You may have noticed i'm still having troubles herding my wandering mind over towards the blog. I've been gathering yet more materi...
06 July 2020
oh, dren... it speaks!
Some day my spawn might wish to know more of how their ol' progenitor thought. That was a part of my thinking when i launched this blog...
24 June 2020
TIM Continues
Just a quick "Heads Up!" While we've got Mad Science with Dr. Nick! running up front , TIM , the first arc of experiMe...
So Much For Reality...
Let us rummage a bit through the closet of Dr. Nick 's world. As mentioned previously , scientific development has been significantly...
23 June 2020
Six Seconds To Save Reality
That's them in red... The tagline is blatantly stolen from Robert Loren Fleming and the criminally underread Thriller , drawn by ...
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