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14 September 2020
The Sound Of The Fringeworlds
Well, the main machine has been rendering all night, and it doesn't look ready to quit soon. That being where all the actual work for ...
09 September 2020
Hermit Ramblings
Some of you may likely have noticed what i didn't when i headed out on my monthly supply run: It was Labor Day. So i traveled down ...
21 August 2020
Instead Of A Real Post...
Sleep has been fragmented, at best, around here lately and i'm stumbling around like i'm driving a rented body. Made the mid-month...
19 August 2020
Secrets Of The T3C Universe
You may have noticed i'm still having troubles herding my wandering mind over towards the blog. I've been gathering yet more materi...
05 August 2020
Good Morning!
Another day in the "land of the free"... Of course, these days when they talk "Freedom" in the circles of powe...
01 August 2020
Back In The USSA
Somebody's been working very hard to get that Dictator's Military Parade he wanted... Remember way back when we had a governme...
30 July 2020
Fake President, Real Whining
System still crippled by the OS thinking it knows more than the user. An all too often occurring flaw these days. (And all too related to t...
29 July 2020
It Yet Lives
Though absent, i'm fine. The system, on the other hand... Once again this machine was murdered by it's operating system. Linux ...
23 July 2020
Is She Stupid Or Evil?
As the post line says, is this woman Stupid or Evil ? The masks are to protect other people from the wearer's exhalations. This ...
16 July 2020
Having great trouble pulling my head out of my Automated Sentience Simulator and get functional. Perhaps i'll manage to fix that later ...
09 July 2020
Let's Pretend I Did Social Media
Is this less than the twitter limit?: Despite every president before him managing it, Trump's lawyer's argued he was Too Weak to...
06 July 2020
oh, dren... it speaks!
Some day my spawn might wish to know more of how their ol' progenitor thought. That was a part of my thinking when i launched this blog...
30 June 2020
RMMV City Bling & T3C Ping
As noted, i've lately been buried deep in The Third Colony - my personal game project that i use to keep the ol' brain from rustin...
29 June 2020
Our Flibbertigibbet Brummagem Snollygoster Fake President
As we all watch the fiasco of what happens when Fake President meets Real Crisis , a lot of us are running out of things to call the Twitt...
1 comment:
18 June 2020
Harlequin Humour
Just a quick check while i'm trying to scrape the gum off my brain... I know i've mentioned it before but, you folks have been w...
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