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22 June 2020
Back In The Daze
Sorry no posts this weekend. I've been locked in an inward spiral and having a bit of difficulty finding the exit. While i'm down...
05 January 2020
Not Quite Reboots
Just a quick cartoon reminder - Rick And Morty weren't the first to kill and replace themselves... ...and Fry handled it...
14 September 2019
¡Sea Un Hombre! ¡Sea Como Blanco!
Okay, let's try this again... Once upon a time, nearly a decade ago, there was a tale in the works called MASKS ... Our story tak...
Adventures In A Slightly Different World
Brain resisting severely, for reasons that may become obvious. So, going to stop trying for now - let it think it's won. I'm off t...
07 May 2018
Prehistoric Blue Monday
Recently i've been teasing an upcoming focus on cavemen in comics. Let's get a jump on that for today's edition of Today i...
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