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12 April 2020
Trump Flu Blues Prevention I - Colouring C'thul'hu
Yesterday we notioned collecting some art for colouring pages to help keep folks entertained while hunkered down to avoid Trump Flu. The ol...
24 July 2019
I'm A Bit Gravitationally Challenged At The Moment!
Did you tune in to catch the third installment of Lost In (an alternate section of) The Andes this morning ? Nope, not happening. (It...
04 February 2018
Sunday Morning Funnies, Once Again
My brain is foggy, and i'm too knackered to go look, but it seems like it's been a fair bit since we had a nice, simple, Sunday Morn...
15 January 2018
Blue Mary Finale
Welcome back to our Blue Monday celebration of Mary Fleener 's work - step right in! Before we take a look at some of her covers,...
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