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02 July 2019
You Deserve This Crown, Tantri...
Thrice have we visited with Birbal . But, if modern politics shows us anything it's that we're more likely to find evil clowns runni...
22 June 2019
Who's That Mucking About Down Below?
As we noted yesterday, She-Hulk was well aware of her status as a comic book character (long before ol' Deadpool figured it out). As l...
12 March 2018
Blue Grass (sans music)
It seems like at least half of the stories drawn by Grass Green featured nudity and sex, making him a natural candidate for this week's...
15 January 2018
Blue Mary Finale
Welcome back to our Blue Monday celebration of Mary Fleener 's work - step right in! Before we take a look at some of her covers,...
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