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18 September 2020
That Time Frank Borth Drew Spider-Man
Yeesh. I even leave threads dangling when i'm picking up dangling threads. As you may recall, a few months back we went back to see ...
02 July 2019
You Deserve This Crown, Tantri...
Thrice have we visited with Birbal . But, if modern politics shows us anything it's that we're more likely to find evil clowns runni...
24 June 2019
...We've Seen The Odd Disturbance Or Two...
There are times when my mind and i are ... i guess 'frenemies' is probably the best term these days. I've made mention of how it...
21 June 2019
Deadpool's Big Green Mama
Deadpool has a formidable power set. But, arguably his greatest power is Awareness. He knows he's a character in a comicbook (or movie)...
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