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29 June 2020
Our Flibbertigibbet Brummagem Snollygoster Fake President
As we all watch the fiasco of what happens when Fake President meets Real Crisis , a lot of us are running out of things to call the Twitt...
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28 August 2019
No Laff
Did you know that Watergate was NOT a scandal about water? Younger readers might be confused by that, but it's True! It might actually s...
01 August 2019
He Does What He Must...
Even a hermit tends to keep at least one friend. I'm off today to chill with him and watch Avengers: Endgame. No telling if i'll mak...
31 July 2019
Pastime As Prologue or "Get Out Of My House!"
Following up on yesterday's tale, Maxor Of Cirod , from John Adkins Richardson , let's take a look at a few more of his works. I was...
27 July 2019
Good Lord ... The Monster From The IC!
It's hard to convey to younger readers just how different things were before the Internet and the WWWeb. Now we're drowning in too m...
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