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16 September 2020
Finally, The Bear Begins (No, Really)
Okay, let's try this once again, eh? We're talking about the odd origins of The Bear as a feature in Treasure Chest Of Fun &...
24 August 2020
In The Days Before Ken Jennings
It'll come as no surprise that a lot of my favorite books and movies as a youngling were about oddballs and outsiders. I ran into one o...
03 May 2020
Safety Sunday! (or The Captain Was A Lieutenant (There Can Be Only One))
I do believe we're overdue for an Un-Comic ; it's been a fair bit. For the unfamiliar, Un-Comics is what we call comics that didn...
27 March 2020
Found In Space
I didn't make it to bed last night until the sun showed up. So running a wee bit behind today. Instead of rooting around for a new topi...
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