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25 August 2020
Some Cavemen Are More Cavemen Than Others
Before we get back to Tragg & Lorn (and we will get back to them) , let's stop in to check out a rather different caveman. From t...
25 July 2020
The Yankee Wasn't From Conecticut (or Can't Get Enough Dick (your choice))
Before we dig in to today's Dick Briefer brief, let's make a quick stop at the first page of the first issue (#3, because - comics...
14 July 2020
ONES Upon A First Time Around
We've got a quickie today, only six pages long - but it counts double. Not only does she fit into the feature, but also is the ina...
28 June 2020
The Captain Was Heroic
As you may have noticed, i've been off in my own weird world for a bit. And not simply because this one is so overrun with fools and vi...
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