22 February 2018

Looking For Lou

Louis Ferstadt is not the easiest artist to follow. Not only did artists often go uncredited in his day, but he also worked under a variety of names, or even just letters. When credited, he can be found as Louis Ferstadt, Ferstadt, or just Lou or Looey, or even just LF or L. He can also be found under the name Lew Howe, or a couple of names completely unrelated to his own.

Ferstadt can be found drawing Blue Beetle as Otis -

More famously, you can find him working as E.E. Hibbard on The Flash (apologies for the grainy microfiche source) -

As one might surmise, finding Ferstadt can be a bit of a quest.

pages by Louis Ferstadt from Blue Beetle #44 and Flash Comics #44 (1946, 1943)


  1. Again have that Blue Beetle 41 story but not the Flash. I have not seen many of those Flash examples so great to see that. I believe he worked on The Flash numbers 34,36,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,49 with some just covers and some inks? FF

  2. I didn't have Flash #34 on my list. I'll have to go looking for that. Story, or just cover?
    Don't forget he was also the artist for #s 9 & 11 of All-Flash Comics, a couple of huge (for the time) stories, running about 50 pages each.

  3. Story, inks, With Hal Sharp. FF
