20 October 2017

Friday Fun & Games 014 - An Immortality Survey

Once again, Friday arrives and to justify wimping out on Friday Night Fights each week, it's time for

It's pretty much a given that we'll never have the kind of immortal stars like Marilyn Monroe again. Back around the turn of the century, Hollywood ensured it by making it illegal to make our celebrities icons. Think of all those classic images, like the Andy Warhol prints of Marilyn. Now us artists have to pay them up front if we want to do something like that. That means the vast majority of such celebrity worship and public adulation in the arts will die unborn. The biggest celebrities today will likely be remembered in another generation only as a source of embarrassing names, and after that - not at all except by media historians.

Well - that's not much fun, nor is it a game of any sort, huh?
All right. Let's jump back 80 years, to 1937. How many of the Top 20 Most Popular Stars could you recognize today?
Shall we see?

No - don't be thinking Ethel Merman for #9 just because of the water.

Hey - here's an odd little tidbit: When i talk about heading down the hill into town for my various supply runs and medical visits, it's #19's hometown to which i travel.
(And, No. I didn't choose this collection just because 3 was too big to be contained in one person)

Tune in tomorrow for the answers (or - i suspect - peek at the comments later for at least 3/4 of them)
Same ODD Time!
Same ODD Blog!

I know it's the wrong voice, but i still hear Gary Owens reading that.
It's kinda disturbing...

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