23 February 2020
Shoe Genius
When i was growing up, i usually felt like the smartest person in the room, adults often included. (That's true these days, too, but th...
22 February 2020
Flippity Floppity Twiddle Twaddle
Once upon a time, comics - and even superheroes - were fun... Let's go there for some Saturday Morning Toons , eh? To kick it off,...
21 February 2020
More Rudy Ray
I finally caught the first Eddie Murphy movie i've been excited about in a quite a while - Dolemite Is My Name . I've been a...
20 February 2020
Channel Surfing In The '80s
Maybe a nice dive into the Odd will help either shake things loose or tighten things up in the ol' noggin. Whichever it needs. We m...
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