20 September 2019
No, It Was NOT Comics Code Approved
While gathering some bits on one Odd hero about whom i wanted to talk, i noticed a rather egregious error in the Grand Comics Database . A...
17 September 2019
RPG Maker MV Again
While technically featuring nudity and inherent adult situations, it feels rather ridiculous to put this in the Adult Content back room of ...
16 September 2019
That Famous International Note Giver, Cookie Fortune
As expected, suffering some internal backlash from the previous postings. I'm dealing with it, and don't really care to kvetch about...
14 September 2019
¡Sea Un Hombre! ¡Sea Como Blanco!
Okay, let's try this again... Once upon a time, nearly a decade ago, there was a tale in the works called MASKS ... Our story tak...
Adventures In A Slightly Different World
Brain resisting severely, for reasons that may become obvious. So, going to stop trying for now - let it think it's won. I'm off t...
13 September 2019
This Is A Story Of Coyote.
Well, hot steaming damn. I found full print size versions of the 24 Hour Comic i mentioned yesterday. According to the file dates, this was...
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