28 July 2019
So THAT's Where Rainbows Come From!
Urk. Somehow slept for about 15 hours. Brain & body not reconnecting after time apart. So here's a couple Ellis Chambers quickies f...
27 July 2019
On To The Answers!
Okay - those reading in the now have had a week to work out our second birthday crossword puzzle . (To our future visitors - Hello! Sorry, b...
Good Lord ... The Monster From The IC!
It's hard to convey to younger readers just how different things were before the Internet and the WWWeb. Now we're drowning in too m...
26 July 2019
...With One ICK!
These days Don Rosa is renowned for his work with Disney & Barks ' Ducks ( Donald & Scrooge ) . And, as we've seen in rec...
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