13 August 2018
Kicking The Doors Open
It's Here! You may have noticed a new graphic in the column to the right, similar to the one above. The number of entries in the 1...
Blue Monday Calendar 2018 Week 33
Gil Elvgren starts us off on another week with Daisies Are Telling (Love Me, Love Me Not) from 1955- art by Gil Elvgren, of course (...
12 August 2018
3-Day Weekend Matinee - Robot Revolution
Since we're running the same features all weekend, it's obviously no surprise that we've got another tale from Look-In magazine...
11 August 2018
3-Day Weekend Matinee - Full Colour Buck
Our weekend matinee continues, as one might surmise from the title. We're continuing with the same features all weekend, so let's ke...
Saturday Solutions - Funny Animal Quizzing
Sorry we're late. Centurylink works very hard to live down to its reputation around here. (They got the contract to provide phone and i...
10 August 2018
3-Day Weekend Matinee - Far Beyond My Time
As previously noted, excepting the original presentation which ran in Heavy Metal back in '79, i completely missed the Buck Rogers rev...
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