23 January 2018
Mystery Again? But We Had That Yesterday!
Before getting into the identity of the mystery movie from which screens were posted yesterday , let's add a mystery comic to the pile. ...
Living In A Sick Comedy
Sometimes, one has to wonder... Separated at birth?
22 January 2018
Blue Monday Calendar 2018 Week 04
Oh, look! Apparently it's Monday. Sneaky critter. A few hours late, but here's this week's calendar- This week's Gil...
What You Watchin'?
Still no sign of brain. Come home - all is forgiven! While i wait, the question above - what have you been watching lately? Did you see ...
21 January 2018
Mary, Mary - Where Ya Comin' From?
Brain went walkies. Hopefully back soon. Meanwhile, less words, more pictures. Mary Fleener has a word for those comics that draw heavil...
20 January 2018
A Fleener Nooner
Enjoy a midday break of Mary Fleener 's wonderful works - NOTE: Mary's Madame X From Planet Sex s...
More Fun With Fleener
One of the many fascinating things about Mary Fleener 's artwork relates to her wordless, or sparsely worded, 'cubismo' styled ...
Fleener Coverings
Before we dive deeper into Mary Fleener 's comics, let's take a gander (a goose, even, if that's your preference) at a mutant ...
Ah, Love...
Yesterday was fun & games, not (overt) puzzles, so no Saturday Solutions are required. Instead, we'll carry on with the Fleener F...
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